Choosing Better Insurance Coverage

Few things are more important than having the right insurance coverage. About ten years ago, I was involved in a near-fatal crash where I experienced traumatic physical and emotional injuries. It was really challenging for me to endure the hospital stay and subsequent physical rehabilitation, but with the help of my medical team and my insurance company, I was able to overcome the challenge and completely recover. This blog is all about the importance of choosing the right insurance plan so that you can get on with your life and enjoy those precious years with your family and your friends.

Raising A Backyard Chicken Flock? Should You Purchase Livestock Insurance?

Insurance Blog

If you're one of the many urban or suburban dwellers who have recently begun raising your own small flock of chickens for eggs or meat, you're likely excited about having a source of healthy, organic protein no further than your own backyard. However, chickens can be vulnerable to everything from disease to hawk attacks, particularly those who spend their time freely ranging around your yard or garden for most of the day. How can you decide whether taking out a livestock insurance policy on your flock is a good investment? Read on to learn more about livestock coverage and the factors that may impact your coverage decision.

What does livestock insurance generally cover?

Because large livestock farms can generate millions of dollars in income each year, protecting these valuable animals against accident, injury, or disease is key. A single barn fire or mammal or avian flu can cost these farms months of income as well as costs to replace these animals. As a result, a range of livestock coverage is available for farms of all sizes. Some may opt only for the cash replacement cost of chickens, while others may protect both the chickens and the income being generated, and still others may opt for coverage to pay for cleanup efforts if the chickens are killed by a virus that requires new coops and bedding. 

How can you decide whether livestock insurance is worth it for your flock?

In some cases, the cost of replacing a hen or two at some point is less than the cost of paying livestock insurance for the majority of a chicken's two to three year laying cycle. Because backyard chickens can live as long as eight years, covering a chicken for its entire life may not be cost-effective, even if you're able to get the most inexpensive coverage available.

However, larger flocks or rare or exotic chicken breeds may justify insurance coverage to protect against accident or disease. If you'd have any financial difficulty replacing your hens if something happened to wipe out the entire flock, insurance, such as from Inspro Insurance, to protect against this type of crisis may be a good investment. This is especially true if you're relying on income from selling your chicken eggs; your insurance will help protect your income stream and may even cover loss of income for the time it takes to get your replacement chickens up to laying speed..


6 July 2016