4 Tips To Consider When Buying Auto Insurance

Insurance Blog

Did you finally get your driver's license and want to move forward with buying a car? You must keep in mind that almost every state requires that you have auto insurance coverage before driving your vehicle. This article will go over a few tips that you can consider to make sure you get auto insurance coverage that is in your best interest. 1. Try to Get a Discount There are a few things that can lead to you being given a discount on your auto insurance coverage.

11 July 2016

3 Tips For Filing An Auto Accident Claim

Insurance Blog

Being involved in a car wreck can be a difficult time.  You will want to recover your financial losses as quickly as possible. The most efficient way to do so is to file an insurance claim with your provider. This will typically require you to meet with a public adjuster for the company that will evaluate your case. It's in your best interest to be as prepared as possible for this time.

11 July 2016

Foggy Conditions Lead To Risky Driving

Insurance Blog

Driving in foggy conditions can be dangerous, especially when other bad weather enters the mix, increasing the risk that you will be involved in a vehicle crash. Auto accidents on your driving record, even if you aren't directly at-fault, can raise your auto insurance rate. According to statistics compiled by the Federal Highway Administration, fog-related accidents account for more than 28,000 vehicle crashes each year. But while it can be scary to find yourself in dense fog on the roadway, don't panic.

11 July 2016

Do You Need Bicycle Insurance?

Insurance Blog

When it comes to your bicycle, you are probably pretty protective of it. True enthusiasts invest time, emotion, and money into their cycles. In fact, this sport can cost thousands of dollars a year. As a result, you need to protect your investment. One way to do so is to acquire a bicycle insurance policy. If you don't take this action, you may find yourself without your wheels if you have an issue with your bike.

8 July 2016

3 Misconceptions About Auto Insurance

Insurance Blog

Understanding the ins and outs of auto insurance can be challenging enough without adding in the wrong information. Some auto owners miss out on savings by not fully understanding their auto insurance policy and the provider. To help you get the most benefit possible from your insurance provider, it is important to know the truths behind some of the misconceptions about coverage.  New Cars Automatically Receive a Higher Premium Although it is true that having a newer car can sometimes result in a higher premium than if you have an older car, there are some exceptions that could result in savings for you.

8 July 2016

Convicted Of A DUI? Learn How To Minimize Your Auto Premium Increase

Insurance Blog

One of the effects of having a DUI conviction is that you'll see your car insurance premiums increase because of it. You are considered a more at risk driver, so an insurance company needs a bigger premium to offset the chance of an accident happening. If you need to find a way to cut back on insurance costs, know that you are not stuck with those high premiums. There are several ways to reduce your premiums so that the increase is not as bad.

8 July 2016

Avoiding Hazards That Accompany Nighttime Driving

Insurance Blog

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there are three times as many auto deaths at night as in the daytime. Even if you have good eyesight and feel alert, due to reduced visibility, driving in the darkness is more difficult. Therefore, it's important to take steps to reduce the risk of becoming involved in a vehicle crash at night.  1. Drive defensively. Taking extra caution at night and watching out for other drivers on the road can help you avert a vehicle accident.

7 July 2016

Three Times In Your Life When You Need To Reevaluate Your Life Insurance Needs

Insurance Blog

Although there are many situations throughout your life when you may need to change the amount of your life insurance policy, there are three times that stand out. The following is a quick explanation of these three events that may occur in your life and that you may want to get insurance quotes for. Your just had your first baby Once you have your first child, your insurance requirements will change.

7 July 2016

Do You Know The Difference Between Flood And Water Damage When It Comes To Home Insurance?

Insurance Blog

Do you know what counts as a flood when it comes to home insurance? When a home has water in it, your insurance company has criteria that help determine if it is considered a flood or just water damage. If you do not know the answer, you may be surprised by what your insurance company decides for you. Flood vs. Water Damage It is common for a standard home insurance policy to not cover any type of flooding but to provide coverage for water damage.

7 July 2016

Facing An Uncertain Future Because Of A Genetic Tendency Toward An Autoimmune Disorder? Take Steps To Plan Ahead

Insurance Blog

There are an estimated 23.5 million people in the U.S. with autoimmune disorders—and there's a strong genetic relationship among them. That means that if you have a parent or sibling with an autoimmune disorder, you need to have a plan for your own future security, just in case you also develop an illness. These are some things that you want to consider doing while you're still healthy. Make an appointment with an attorney to discuss estate planning.

7 July 2016